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Dear Sweet Friends,
Here at Sweet Lyfe Daily we are re-imagining the concept of a “Life of Luxury.”
So, what is a “Life of Luxury?”
Merriam Webster dictionary, defines “luxury as: [noun] a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort: sumptuous environment.” Unfortunately, throughout history, luxury has been viewed through the lens of material possession, exclusivity, opulence and reserved for only a few individuals.
But what if we re-imagine the idea of a “Life of Luxury?” What if a “Life of Luxury” is centered on living a sweet and fulfilling life rather than a life of material consumption, possession, and chasing an arbitrary idea of success?
Here at Sweet Lyfe Daily, we are re-imagining the traditional idea of a “Life of Luxury” by using the concept, “Sweet Lyfe,” which is a life centered around our happiness, peace, and well-being. A life where we give ourselves permission to be intentional about creating a life that brings us joy, fulfillment, and peace of mind, while working daily to becoming the best version of ourselves.
Now that we have gotten clear on how we define a life of luxury, let us ask you a few questions: Are you tired of complaining about the same things every day? You feel like your life is stuck and you just don’t know where to start the process of getting unstuck and cultivating a life that brings you joy, fulfillment, and peace of mind.
We are writing this post to get you started on your way. Whether you are beginning your journey to reevaluating your life, reinventing yourself, or cultivating a “life of luxury.”

What does re-imagining a “Life of Luxury” look like?
A “life of luxury” is personal and unique to each individual; it is a life that rings true to you!
So many external factors tell us we need to be married, have kids, and have X, Y, or Z career by a specific time in our life. But the reality is that we are all on our own timelines. It doesn’t matter what your friends are doing, what your family expects of you, or what society expects from you. You can check all those boxes and still feel deeply unsatisfied. It can be disappointing when we think we need to achieve these “milestones” in our lives and, after years of toiling, still feel unfulfilled!
We believe the motivation to accomplish these “milestones” should come from a place of pure joy, happiness, and a genuine desire to have them rather than a place of someone else’s expectation. So allow yourself permission to carve out some time during your typical day-to-day routine and fully listen to your inner voice. What is it that you yearn for? What do you need to make yourself feel whole and fulfilled? How do you envision your “Life of Luxury?”
So bid adieu to those external expectations, move at the pace that feels right to you and create your own “life of luxury!” You Only Live Once, so do what you can to make the most of this life!

How to cultivate a “Life of Luxury?”
First, we suggest starting small and building slow and steady. This is probably a bit of unusual advice in a society that craves instant gratification, but this approach is sustainable. Cultivating a life of luxury, does not happen overnight. We suggest, starting with a reasonable task that you can quickly implement into your daily routine, you will likely accomplish it because it is manageable and attainable. By comparison, taking on a more enormous task that requires more time than you can afford may lead to overwhelm or even burnout. This may cause you to take an extended break to recharge or even give up before completing your goal of cultivating your “Life of Luxury.” Slow and Steady wins the race, Sweet Friends!

5 Steps to designing and cultivating Your “Life of Luxury:”
Here are some steps to begin cultivating and creating your “life of luxury.”
Step 1: Get clear on what you want in your “Life of Luxury”
Take some time to envision what your “Life of Luxury” looks like and feels like. You can do this all at once or schedule some time each day. Block out as little as 5 minutes daily on your calendar to envision your “Life of Luxury” and write your ideas and thoughts down in a designated journal so you have all your thoughts in one place.
Here are some journal prompts to guide you in the process:
1. What areas of your life do you feel bad about?
2. What areas of your life do you feel good about? This question is important because we tend to ruminate on the negative, the parts of our life that are not going as planned while failing to appreciate the things that bring us joy.
3. Describe an ideal day in living your “life of luxury?” Where are you living? How are you spending your day? What does your morning and evening routine consist of?
4. What are some of your long-term goals? Where do you want to be a year from now? Where do you want to be 3 years from now?

Step 2: Create an Action plan for cultivating a “Life of Luxury”
So you have a vision of what you want your “life of luxury” to look like and feel like, now let’s create an action plan to make this vision a reality. As we suggested above, start slow and steady. Start with one goal at a time at the outset. Then, outline this goal using the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Method , which will help you clearly define the parameters of each goal within your action plan.
Here are some prompts to help you apply the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Method to planning out your “life of luxury.”
Specific: What do you want to accomplish? Do you know the outcome you desire? What steps do you need to take? Are there small steps you can take daily to cultivate the life of luxury you want?
Measurable: This is specific to each of your goals; for instance, how many miles you want to be able to run in 3 months? How many clients do you want to gain each quarter if you start a business?
Achievable: How can you achieve what needs to be done realistically to cultivate your life of luxury?
Relevant: WHY are you pursuing this goal?
Time-Bound: When do you want to achieve each of these goals? Put a firm date at first, you can always adjust as you go.
Step 3: Take Action
You now have your vision of your life of luxury; you created your action plan for this life. Now it is time to make a list of small actions you can work into your daily schedule. At the beginning or end of each week, we suggest you block out time slots in your calendar to accomplish each task. Then, set a reminder or notification so you are alerted when it is time to work on each task.
In the spirit of starting slow and steady, start with blocking out 15 minutes every day on your calendar. 15 minutes per day is much better than pushing for 2 hours one day and then nothing the rest of the week because you are exhausted. Make sure the 15 minutes per day is non-negotiable! You will find yourself eventually building momentum.

Step 4: Tracking your progress & Use accountability as motivational tools to cultivate your life of luxury.
If you are someone who tends to quickly lose motivation and interest in your goals; we would suggest implementing 2 things. First, track your progress; it is usually great to keep a list of what you have accomplished towards your goal each day, no matter how small the tasks. This will give you a mental boost that you are moving forward. Second, we highly recommend incorporating an Accountability process while pursuing your goal. This can be an accountability tool, partner, or group. It will be well worth it.
Researchers found that the probability of completing a goal by committing to someone goes up by 65%. In addition, by having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to, the probability of completing a goal goes up 95%.
Accountability is a powerful tool for cultivating your “life of luxury.” Try this out if you have not done so before!

Step 5: Pause and Reflect on your journey to cultivate a life of luxury
We sometimes struggle to balance our desires and goals to improve our circumstances while tending to day-to-day demands. Therefore, we must be intentional about scheduling time to Pause and Reflect regularly on where we are in our journey. Take time to check how you feel about your journey thus far, and make tweaks and adjustments as you see fit.
Ask yourself how you want to feel one year from today? Do you want to feel happy and satisfied seeing how much you have accomplished towards creating your life of luxury? Or will you be moping around and still complaining, wishing you woulda, coulda, shoulda? What will it be?
So come on, Start now, start with a scoop of HOPE, a sprinkle of OPTIMISM, and a cup of good old TRUST and BELIEF in yourself! It will be worth it a day, month, or a year from now!
Have a wonderful day!
Sweet Lyfe Daily
Comment below how you plan to re-imagine your “Life of Luxury”