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Dear Sweet Friends,
Have you experienced this? You’re scrolling on social media, seeing everyone living their best and most luxurious life. Pictures and videos show people on exotic trips, at extraordinary events, and just having the times of their lives. But then you look around at your reality and find yourself doing the same thing every day, and you can’t help but feel how boring your life is in comparison. I’ve been there, and I know this scenario is too familiar for many. But I’m here to tell you life is sometimes boring, and it’s ok.
Many of what you see on social media are highlight reels, a curated snapshot of an individual at the moment. But they, too, may experience periods of boredom, whether before or after that highlight reel. Believe it or not, there was a time when we were only privy to the lives of the rich and famous in limited quantity.
And although you may have dreamt of having some aspect of their lives, you were also able to be more realistic and acknowledge that while it would be nice to experience the glitz and glam, this lifestyle was not accessible to many. Therefore it was easier to come to terms with the exclusivity of this lifestyle and realize it was an exception and not the norm.
However, now, with social media, we can see into the lives of seemingly everyday people like us who are having these fabulous fun-filled lifestyles, making you wonder why your life appears monotonous and mundane in comparison.
Reality check, for many of us, including those posting their highlight reels, life can be monotonous, mundane, and sometimes boring. We must remember that these images on social media are never the whole picture of their everyday lives. That said, while we may not have a social media account filled with highlight reels, there are many ways we can find joy in the mundane and make life a little less boring.
Lessons from my less-than-boring life
In the past I recently attempted to have as many experiences as possible. At a point in my life, I was too busy to allocate time for fun and relaxation. So when I finally had the opportunity and privilege to do so, I went all in: trips, concerts, brunches, Broadway shows, and the list goes on; I wanted to experience it all. But then the pandemic happened, and like many others, it forced me to reflect on my life and put things into perspective. While I am grateful for all the experiences I was privileged to have, I realized it was not entirely what I was doing that brought me joy but who I was with.

For example, yes, I traveled to a different country; exciting, right? Of course, it is. But what makes me smile is the memory of listening to music and singing in a taxi going back to the hotel with my friend. Did I need to travel far away to obtain that joy? Not necessarily; in any other context, this would be a simple mundane task of taking transportation to a location, but in this instance, the mere act of taking a taxi with a friend and singing out loud was the moment that created a lasting memory.
Now, of course, you can have dreams to have specific experiences. And I hope most people can experience something they truly wish for at least once. However, the message that I want to convey is that even if you participate in these experiences; they are just one moment in time. A lot of life is not jet-setting to different countries but getting up daily and often performing mundane tasks. Yet I’m here to tell you why embracing joy in the mundane and the benefits it will provide is essential.
Why Embracing the Mundane is Essential
As I mentioned earlier, it took a pandemic for me to realize that the constant need to experience more can make it easy to forget how valuable the ordinary can be. Society, more than ever, has taught us to keep chasing, dream big, accomplish more, and celebrate the big moments, but there should be more emphasis on enjoying those small everyday moments of life.
In the Habits for Happiness, Dr. Sharp states, “We tend to wait for these Hollywood moments — weddings, birthdays, winning the lottery (either literally or metaphorically) — and think they will make our lives wonderful,” “And they do. But they’re also, by definition, are extremely rare. So we end up wasting a lot of time in between these infrequent ‘big bang’ moments.”

Dr. Sharp makes a case for why embracing the mundane is vital because these everyday moments are more accessible and make up most of our lives. We can get lost in having unique experiences, celebrating the big moments, striving for more, and looking forward to the future. But this narrow focus on what brings joy may cause us to forget about the present moment and miss out on the great things happening here and now.
Embracing the mundane also allows you to engage in the practice of gratitude. You may not be in the best place, or life is treating you well; in both instances, appreciating small moments can be beneficial. In the first case finding joy in the mundane can provide hope and the resilience you need to keep conquering each day. While in the second scenario, it can remind you not to take things for granted and be grateful for your current blessings.
But how do you shift your mindset from needing or wanting to experience more and instead find joy in the mundane? Well, it entails a few minor changes and practices.
How to Find Joy in the Mundane
Finding joy in the mundane should be simple and resonate with you as an individual. What it isn’t, is attempting to completely change your life overnight or letting go of your goals and dreams. Instead, it’s learning to appreciate and find meaning in everyday moments. It’s about living intentionally rather than on autopilot.
Here are some tips for finding joy in the mundane:
1) Slow down: Many of us have an endless list of where we need to be and things we need to do that are simply a part of our everyday responsibilities as adults. But always rushing through life is a quick way to overlook the fantastic things happening. So instead, try picking one thing in your day that you usually speed through and slow down. For example, take in what you are doing the next time you cook, from chopping vegetables to seasoning your meal. It’s this ability to slow down that can give you a moment to appreciate being able to make a meal and be grateful for having food to cook and nourish yourself and those you love.
2) Practice Mindfulness: I bet you saw this one coming but paying attention to what is happening around you can bring lots of joy. For example, consider being present in a phone conversation with a friend, sitting down and slowly enjoying your meal, or being attentive and watching a show without distractions. These types of moments are ripe with opportunities to find joy.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is an excellent book about being present; Eckart Tolle stated, “Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable, and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally.” Mindfulness allows you to find life’s small moments and simple pleasures and find more enjoyment in these moments.

3) Simplify your life: This can take many forms, from decluttering your home, reducing your commitments, or decreasing your choices. To accomplish this, you do not have to become a minimalist. It can be as simple as getting rid of clothes and shoes you don’t need, removing weekly obligations you don’t necessarily need to attend, or even decreasing your streaming subscriptions, therefore having fewer choices on what to watch. By having less, you can focus on the things you have and get the most joy out of them.
4) Find beauty in the day: It’s raining outside, and you are indoors; when did you last take a moment to enjoy the sound of the rain? They make videos of these exact sounds to soothe people, but you can enjoy it in real life. This is only one example, but if you take a moment to take in your surroundings, you will discover more beauty than you realize. You can write these findings daily in a journal to create a habit.
The Benefits of Embracing a Mundane and Boring Life
Embracing and finding joy in the mundane can bring many benefits. Here are just a few:
1) Reduced Stress: Imagine finding small moments of joy in your everyday life. No longer feeling like you are missing out on those “Hollywood moments” or no longer constantly grinding to achieve more and do more. Being able to release this expectation of a life filled with “Hollywood moments” will decrease that overwhelming feeling and possible anxiety while allowing you to realize what truly matters. Dr. Sharp further stated that “research suggests that there are lots of little things, which, when we focus on them daily, can boost our happiness on a regular basis, meaning you can enjoy a lot more often than once in a blue moon.”
2) Fulfilling Relationships: Finding more appreciation in your relationships and shared experiences will allow for a deeper connection with those you care for and the moments of joy you share. Carving out time to be fully present in these relationships will highlight those joyful moments we tend to miss. These moments will remind you how fortunate you are to have these invaluable relationships. The people around you will feel this shift in appreciation, making for more fulfilling and joyful connections.

3) Increase creativity: Busyness, stress and clutter can hinder creativity. When you are constantly chasing after bigger and better things, you cannot slow down to reflect, observe and tap into your creativity. The practice of slowing down, relaxing and making the effort to find joy in seemingly mundane daily tasks can spark creativity. So take this as a sign to seek out magic in the everyday and let that everyday magic inspire you to create to your hearts content.
4. Greater sense of purpose: Embracing the mundane and finding small joys in your day can create a more positive outlook and perspective. Instead of seeing your life as mundane, monotonous, or boring, you can decide to find more joy and excitement in your everyday experiences. Making the choice to find meaning in the ordinary moments of life can cultivate a greater sense of purpose. You will no longer feel like you’re just going through the motions; instead, you will feel like you are living a more intentional, meaningful and fulfilling life.
Final Thoughts
Remember, Life is sometimes boring and it’s okay. Living intentionally, being present, and appreciating what you currently have can bring you daily joy. This does not mean you should stop dreaming of unique experiences, accomplishing your goals, and pursuing what makes you happy. Yes, Sweet Friends, it does not have to be one or the other. The key reminder here is to make daily efforts to find joy in the mundane. Life has no guarantees; all you have is today, so why not enjoy it as much as possible, one joyful moment at a time.
Have a wonderfully present day!
Sweet Lyfe Daily
Let us know how you plan to find joy in the mundane